• Program Description: 


    Title I is a 100% Federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children.  Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics.  In buildings with 40% or more poverty, school districts may use the funds to upgrade the entire curriculum of the school and are Schoolwide Programs.  In buildings with less than 40% poverty, programs are designed to help specific children and are targeted assisted programs.   Schools are subject to consequences of school choice and supplemental education services if they do not meet adequate yearly progress as determined by the state education association.


    Federal Programs Consolidated Review:


    A cadre of educators selected and trained by the Pennsylvania Department of Education review participating local educational agencies.  In addition, Title I programs are audited annually in accordance with Single Audit Guidelines.  The U.S. Department of Education generally conducts an annual review of the State’s administration of Title I.





    The Pennsylvania State System of Assessment is used to assess schools and local educational agencies.

    For additional information, please contact: 

    Misty L. Slavic
    Director of Curriculum & Instruction
    724-775-5464 ext. 131

    If you would like to speak to the Pennsylvania Division of Federal Programs Director, please contact:

    Susan McCrone | Division Chief 
    Pennsylvania Department of Education - Division of Federal Programs 
    333 Market Street, 7th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 
    Phone: 717.783.9161 | Fax: 717.787.8634 
    smccrone@pa.gov | www.education.state.pa.us
    Thank you to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for providing the above listed information. If you would like to learn more about Title I programs in Pennsylvania, please go to the following link  http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/title_i/7382